MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6

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MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6 Empty MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6

Message par Monique Ven 4 Juin 2010 - 18:57


MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6 du 27 mai :
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Changes made from version 2.1.5 to 2.1.6:

* Fixed an issue with sending Topo Deutschland maps that could case the maps to be displayed incorrectly on the device.
* Fixed an issue with certain maps sets that could cause the maps to not be recognized by the device.
* Fixed a crash when sending maps to an SD Card that contains a corrupt map image.
* Fixed a crash when no compatible maps products are found for the selected device.
* Fixed crash caused by a bad map installation.

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MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6 Empty Re: MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6

Message par Invité Sam 5 Juin 2010 - 5:42


Merci Monique, mise à jour effectuée.


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MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6 Empty Re: MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6

Message par jeanlo655 Dim 1 Nov 2015 - 20:05

Concernant Mapinstall pour Mac, est-il normal qu'il ne reconnaisse pas la capacité des cartes mémoire au delà de 4 GO, quel que soit le type de formatage ?

0 sat
0 sat

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MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6 Empty Re: MapInstall and MapManager for the Mac software version 2.1.6

Message par Invité Dim 1 Nov 2015 - 20:12

mapinstall 4.1.1 carte sd 8Go partionnée FAT32 : reconnue
partionnée Mac OS étendue journalisée : reconnue

le sélecteur de Mapinstall change automatiquement à chaque reformatage de la carte


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