BaseCamp for Mac software version Beta

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BaseCamp for Mac software version Beta Empty BaseCamp for Mac software version Beta

Message par Mimi22 Ven 3 Avr 2009 - 15:08


C'est pour les Mac mais c'est une version Beta, donc méfiance !
BaseCamp for Mac software version Beta :
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◦BaseCamp is a 3D mapping application that allows you to transfer waypoints, tracks, and routes between your Mac and Garmin device and manage your data using topographic Garmin maps that include digital elevation model(DEM) data, such as Topo U.S. 24K, Topo U.S. 24K National Parks (version 3), Topo U.S. 100K (version 4 and later), Topo U.S. 2008, Topo Australia, Topo Canada (version 4), Topo Deutschland, Topo Great Britain, and Topo products produced by many Garmin distributors.
◦Features include:

Track Draw
View in Google Earth
Advanced geocache support
Photo waypoints
Track and route play back
Create waypoints at a position
◦The included utility MapManager copies maps and unlock codes into the right place to be accessible by BaseCamp. To migrate the maps from your Windows PC, download MapConverter onto your PC and follow the instructions.
◦Download and install MapConverter for Windows to convert your unlocked PC maps for use on your Mac.
◦System Requirements:
Intel-based or PowerPC G4 or later Mac
OS 10.4.11 or later
1024 MB RAM

◦Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

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