nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par Monique Dim 16 Mai 2010 - 10:00


Mise à jour nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 du 23 avril version Europe :
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Changes made from version 3.00 to 3.40:
* Added an improvement where backlight will change automatically when vehicle enters a tunnel.
* Fixed issue with Local Search results not being displayed when 'spell' is used.
* Changed 'Food & Drink' to 'Food' on the Where To? page.
* Fixed bug related to cityXplorer maps not displaying properly.
* Fixed bug related to navigation to coordinates not being calculated properly.
* Fixed issue when arrival destination is 'off-road' and not recognized when reached.
* Fixed issue related to route recalculation inconsistency when user has a multi-point route selected.
* Updated map drawing code.
* Improved Bluetooth operation.
* Improved error messaging to the user for network problems or server timeouts.
* Fixed issue related to map crashing if user rapidly pans in browse map mode.
* Added fix to display critical myGarmin messages at unit start-up.
* Added a full charge indicator in charge mode.
* Fixed bug related to text wrapping in words that are hyphenated.
* Fixed bug related to issue where unit would lock up when saving a location to 'Favorites.'
* Fixed bug on searching through Favorites where pressing backspace would trigger a search even if the field was empty.
* Added units for Temperature on weather page (display C for Celsius and F for Fahrenheit).
* Fixed shutdown on traffic map if displayed for an extended amount of time.
* Fixed issue where switching units (miles to km) wouldn't change in all cases.
* Fixed issue where device would go into mass storage mode if plugged into a non-Garmin charger (such as Blackberry).
* Modified initial display timing of traffic ads.
* Fixed issue where the flight name/number might be cut off if it was too long for the text area.
* Fixed bug related to Ciao! error pop-up not putting user back to Tools screen.
* Fixed issue related to weather precipitation % shown incorrectly due to rounding error.
* Fixed translation errors for connected services in Europe.

Note : La MAJ pour la version North America est là :
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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty Re: nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par Jamas Dim 16 Mai 2010 - 10:24

Bonjour Monique,

confused Ce n'est plus une maj, c'est une refonte complète du firmware Evil or Very Mad


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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty Re: nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par Oooops! Dim 16 Mai 2010 - 18:22


pour moi c'est surtout la confirmation que Garmin met sur le marché des appareils pas mûrs [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] et utilise probablement ses premiers clients comme bêta-testeurs: il n'y a qu'à voir le nombre de lignes commençant par "Fixed" [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]...

(*) quel que soit celui des 2 sens habituels qu'on donne à l'expression [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image].
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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty Re: nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par jojo Mer 2 Juin 2010 - 20:49

nouvelle mise à jour 3.50 ce jour sur webudapter, à la mise à jour il vous dit ce qui change avec un lien sur la page web
Pour l'instant super content du 1690
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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty Re: nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par Jamas Mer 2 Juin 2010 - 21:53

Changes made from version 3.40 to 3.50:

* Fixed issue where occasionally Ciao position was not updating automatically if the user did not go into the Ciao application.
* Added a one-time retry for sending transactions that fail due to poor network signal quality.
* Reduce the max size of some of the uploads.
* Fixed issue where 'Charging Complete' was not showing properly in all languages.
* Fixed error on the weather page with displaying invalid chance of precipitation.
* Improved performance of ecoRoute HD.

No Pas encore top mûr tout ça.


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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty Re: nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par jojo Jeu 12 Aoû 2010 - 21:11

Nouvelle mise à jour version 3.50 changé par 3.60 je ne sais pas les changements apportés car pas encore modifié [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty Re: nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par jojo Mer 20 Oct 2010 - 16:35

Re nouvelle version pour le 1690 la version 3.60 remplacée par la 3.70 webupdater
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nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40 Empty Re: nuvi 16xx EU (region file only) software version 3.40

Message par jojo Mar 10 Mai 2011 - 20:20

Rere nouvelle version garmin 1690 la 3.70 remplacée par la 3.90 webupdater vroumvroum
1 sat
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