nuLink 1695 (GCD file only) software version 3.20

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nuLink 1695 (GCD file only) software version 3.20  Empty nuLink 1695 (GCD file only) software version 3.20

Message par Monique Sam 5 Mai 2012 - 22:36


nuLink 1695 (GCD file only) software version 3.20 : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.20:
Fixed an error that prevented traffic from updating properly.

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Changes made from version 3.00 to 3.10:
* Fixed a bug that caused some traffic information to not display on the unit.
* Fixed a bug that caused Junction Views to display incorrectly.
* Fixed a bug that caused the wrong direction to display on the navigation map.
* Fixed a bug that caused the Weather Map to display incorrectly while panning.
* Fixed a bug that did not account for the expiration of a recurring subscription.
* Fixed a bug that caused the search icon to display as too large.
* Fixed a bug that caused the Trip Computer temperature gauge to display incorrectly.
* Fixed several bugs to correct the Parking icon display on the map.
* Updated software to comply with France Safety Camera decree.

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Dernière édition par Monique le Jeu 17 Mai 2012 - 22:10, édité 2 fois

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nuLink 1695 (GCD file only) software version 3.20  Empty Bonjour

Message par louloujm Jeu 17 Mai 2012 - 13:46

La version 3.20 est disponible.

0 sat
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